Sunday, January 22, 2012


So, since last week, I have not taken the time to search out specific places to visit or things to do in the sequential countries, but I was able to get some new information in regards to fundraising and such. As it turns out there are laws regarding the raising of money for charities and the like. Aside from that, I have not been able to figure out any ways to guarantee the security of donations which could cause potential problems for some people. Not to mention I would prefer the money go specifically to the groups or locations/charities I find that are in most need of the funds. So, to save on confusion and hassle I will instead post during my trip ways that you can donate to the organizations with which I will be volunteering my time. This way you can choose which organizations or people you would like to help through your donations along the way and I will not have to be a middle man. This will not only ensure more security for your funds or other donations, but I will also be able to provide you with specific pictures and info of what the donations will be doing for the people I visit.

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